Friday, May 16, 2014


We are in a small medieval town now that has a good collection of nesting storks. Cliffs with caves form the backdrop. At first you think no- one lives here. But follow the voices and you discover a cosy square with a few places to have a cold beer or coke and something to eat. We recognize almost everyone from our walking. Right beside us sits Ken, a Franciscan priest, with whom we have a lively discussion.
Today's walk was for a large part along a busy highway. We were grateful for a designated pilgrim's path because years ago pilgrims simply walked on the shoulder of the highway. It was a 23 K day but we were distracted by several enchanting villages that we passed through. We ate our picnic lunch in one of these and were thrilled to have some fresh strawberries to feast on. 
Now we are in our cosy room wiling away a bit of time before the 7 PM perigrino dinner. 

Just 555 K to go!


  1. Enjoy your walk tomorrow (Sat). Hope the weather stays good. We are losing our gorgeous weather just as the May long weekend is about to be begin!

  2. Congratulations! You are doing great. I am following every blog entry, feels like I am walking along side you. We returned from the Middle East tired but thrilled...we must share travelling stories. So proud of you! Love, LuAnn
