Sunday, June 15, 2014

Some final thoughts on our Camino experience.........

Some people will ask us how the pilgrimage has changed us or if we felt anything spiritual. I think I will get answers to that only after some time of reflecting has passed. So, for, now I am going to list just a few of the things I am thankful for.

-no injuries or illnesses in 6 weeks
-stamina to walk 20 to 30 K everyday
-wonderful company of Bert and Diane and, often, Arlene and Joyce
-great people we met
-a new appreciation for bread, a staple at every meal
-a roof and bed and meal waiting at the end of each day
-the joy of picnic lunches
-incredible beauty of fields, mountains, woods, flowers
-the old, old churches and crosses representing the centuries old faith of Christians
-the yellow arrows guiding us on our journey
-Ken, the Franciscan priest, who demonstrated by words and actions the love of Jesus
-Compeed, a great product for blisters
-Spanish oranges and the juicers found in the humblest of bars
-the great weather we had for all but a few days
-the encouragement of friends and family back home
Prayer found on the wall of an eighth century church in O'Cebreiro.
Jeff, window shopping.
Arlene and I shopping for earings with Camino shells.



  1. Congratulations to you both, a great accomplishment!

  2. WOW, you did it awesome. We must get together when you settle back in at home and discuss over a bottle of wine, With Carolyn, on the back deck ♥

    love and light
